As the Rugby World Cup heads into the quarter-finals, primary school teachers may be looking for ways to bring the tournament into their lessons and encourage their students to learn more about the sport. Here at, we have some great suggestions to help you do just that!

1. Host a debate: Get your students to pick a team and then debate the merits of their team compared to the others in the tournament. This activity is a great way to teach about the countries competing, their individual strengths and weaknesses, and the history of the sport.

2. Design a kit: Challenge your students to come up with a unique design for their own team kit. This will help them learn about the importance of design in sports, as well as the visual elements that make teams recognisable.

3. Create a poster: Ask your students to create a poster to promote their favourite team. This is a great way to get them to explore the sport’s history, its players and teams, and the values it represents.

4. Make a quiz: Create a quiz for your students to test their knowledge of the tournament. This activity is great for helping them learn about the teams, their players, and the rules of the game.

5. Interview a fan: Invite a fan of the sport into your classroom to share their experiences and enthusiasm for the tournament. This is a great way to get your students engaging with the sport, as well as helping them to understand the passion and emotion that comes with it.

So why not use the Rugby World Cup as an opportunity to get your students engaged with the sport? With these five activities, you’re sure to get them excited about the tournament and learning more about the sport. And don’t forget, you can find even more resources and ideas here at! 🏉🏉