Here are some ideas for your classroom:
Primary school teachers are always on the lookout for new and engaging ways for their pupils to learn. This is especially true of Irish language classes, where a new approach to teaching can really help pique the students’ interest. Rather than focusing on the traditional methods of learning Irish, such as grammar exercises and memorisation, here are five activities that have been used to help teach Irish in an engaging way:

1. Spoken Word Poetry: Spoken word poetry is a great way to get the students to express themselves in Irish. Encourage the pupils to write their own poems, and then perform them to the rest of the class.

2. Irish Songs: Singing is a fun way for pupils to learn Irish, and it’s also a great way to get them up and moving. Get the pupils to learn a few traditional Irish songs and then perform them for each other.

3. Cooking: Cooking is a great way to teach vocabulary, as well as allowing pupils to get creative and have fun. Prepare some traditional Irish dishes with the pupils and get them to practice their Irish while cooking.

4. Drama and Role Play: Get the pupils to create their own short plays in Irish and then perform them to the class. This will help them to develop their fluency and pronunciation, as well as creating a fun learning environment.

5. Storytelling: Storytelling is a great way to get the pupils engaged in the language. Ask the pupils to create their own stories and then tell them to the class in Irish.

For more ideas and resources to help your pupils learn Irish, be sure to check out – a great resource that has a range of ideas and activities to help bring Irish language classroom to life! 🎉