With so many products on Mash.ie these days, and so many teachers selling products, how do you make your Mash Store stand out from the crowd? We’ve been learning all about marketing online over the last few months, listening to a super podcast called Social Media Marketing (good name for a podcast that deals with marketing and social media!) We’ve also been reading advice from experts in web site design about the importance of a good looking store front! Here are some tips to give you the upper hand on the Mash Marketplace! Each tip will link to an article to show you exactly how to do it. Sure we might even create a few little videos to help you on your way.
1. Have an eye-catching banner on your Store Page
2. Be social – Get on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and all that jazz
3. Join our Mash Facebook Sellers’ Group – do it!
4. Display badges on your store page – they build up trust in your products and they make it easy for people to find you. (See also – All About Badges)
5. Use a colour scheme for your store to stand out.
6. Make your products look gorgeous or at least make the thumbnails square. But try and make them look gorgeous.
7. Describe your product. You’d be surprised how many products have no description of what they are. Make sure you let people know what they are buying!
8. Give away stuff! It might be counterintuitive but coupons, sales and competitions build your profile
9. Write a Blog post on Mash.ie. Write something helpful rather than a post about how amazing you are (we know you’re amazing!) and we’ll publish it on a rolling basis.
10. Make sure your product is tagged to the max. TO THE MAX!
11. Every time someone buys a product encourage them to review it. Jeez, bribe them with a free extra product if they leave a nice review.
12. Make sure to label your store with a category or two. (See also – What are Store Categories?)