April brings showers, but it also brings a burst of new learning opportunities! This newsletter is packed with ideas to celebrate spring, Earth Day https://www.earthday.org/, and all things creative. We’ll explore fun activities for literacy, maths, science, and art, all designed to engage your young learners and make the most of this exciting season. Get ready for some egg-cellent lesson plans and activities that will blossom in your classroom!
April Showers Brings Creative Flowers: 5 Fun Classroom Activities!
- Sproutastic Stories: Read a story about seeds growing into plants. Then, have students write their own short stories about a seed’s journey from tiny speck to magnificent flower!
- Egg-cellent Maths: Hard-boil some eggs (safety first!) and decorate them with markers. Students can then practice counting, addition, subtraction, or even fractions by creating patterns on their eggs.
- Earthy Art Extravaganza: Turn your classroom into a mini greenhouse! Plant cress seeds on damp cotton wool and observe their growth. Students can then draw or paint pictures of the sprouting cress, focusing on colours and shapes.
- Weather Whizzes: April showers bring May flowers, but what about wind? Make simple windsocks with paper bags and string. Head outside and observe how wind strength affects the movement of the windsocks. Discuss different types of weather and how they impact our world.
- Recycling Relay Race: Set up a relay race with different recycling bins (paper, plastic, etc.). Give each team a pile of mixed-up recycling materials and have them race to sort them correctly! This is a fun way to reinforce the importance of recycling for Earth Day.
Explore our Spring Resources on Mash.ie.
- St Patricks Day Bundle
- An t-Earrach/Spring Game Bundle
- Bundled Seachtain na Gaeilge, Easter and St. Patrick’s Day Pack for all classes
- Multi-Class Junior & Senior Infants Fortnightly Plans for April
- St Patricks Day and Easter Activity Pack for all classes
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