We are always trying to make Mash a better experience for sellers. We’ve been piloting a Partner Programme with a few of our sellers to see how it works over the last 6 months and we’re happy to share it with you. Better yet, it’s completely free for sellers and there are genuinely no catches.

What is the Partner Programme?

Let’s say you have a blog, a website, a Facebook Page or an Instagram account, you may or may not have a link to your Mash store on it. We want to encourage you to link to Mash by offering you an extra 5% commission on any sales we make from customers you send our way…Even if the products they buy aren’t ones you created!

So how does it work? Well, when you sign up to the Partner Programme, you will be given a special link to your store, which you can share with your friends or followers on social media. You’ll then receive a 5% commission of any sales that come via that link, including sales of any other products that come via that same customer visit to Mash.ie.

Crucially with the partner programme, the Seller isn’t affected in any way. We’ve designed the scheme so that your commission comes out of our end, not yours. And this comes on top of Mash already offering the most generous seller/platform split in Ireland.

As well as being a great way to increase revenue and monetise your online profile, we believe the Partner Programme is a great way for Irish Teachers to create a strong network of support with one another. It’s not only good for you and good for us, it’s also good for the seller and the Irish Teaching community.

How do I join?

You might already have been signed up by us as we’ve automatically added many of our sellers to the Programme to save you time. If you have you will likely have received an email from us about this at this point. If not, simply click here and you can sign up straight away.



It’s very easy to sign up but there is one really important step you need to be aware of to ensure you get your commission.

When you are signing up, you’ll be asked for a Referral ID. The ID that you need to put into this field is the username of your Store. So, for example, if the full address of your store is: https://mash.ie/muinteoir-clodagh then your referral ID needs to be muinteoir-clodagh.

Once you have logged into your account, you’ll need to find the link that you want to share. There are two options that you can choose and you can get to both of them in the same way. The first step is to log into your account and you’ll be greeted with a screen like the one below:


There’s quite a bit going on on the page but don’t worry about that for now! Let’s get straight to finding your personal link.

The first step is to find the Campaigns Menu on the left. This will open up a screen with one option and you’ll need to click Show 2 banners.


Inside here you’ll find what you are looking for. It might look a bit complicated but it really isn’t, (We promise!)

You’ll see two of these boxes:


The only thing that you need to be interested in is the link in the middle of the boxes, the one starting https://mash.ie/# followed by a lot of gobbledegook! So finally, here are your two options.

Link to Mash.ie

The first option simply links to the front page of Mash.ie. This is mainly useful to non-sellers on Mash or sellers on Mash that simply want to link to the homepage of the site rather than their store page for any reason.

Link to your Store Page

The second option will be most popular with sellers as this automatically is generated to your Store page. This will bring customers to your Store Page.

What next?

After that, there isn’t much left to do but wait for the money to start rolling in. We generally will pay out once you’ve reached €100 in sales. There is a small fee for PayPal but it shouldn’t be any more than €2. Depending on how much you earn with Mash, please make sure to check if you need to register for VAT.

You can check your account at any time by logging in and we’re always happy to answer any questions you have.