As always, we’re grateful to Victoria for her monthly blog post. Please consider visiting her Mash store here. Make sure to check out her latest product: ‘January 2024 Teachers Almanac – A Comprehensive Guide to January Through the Senses’

Teaching ideas and inspiration to celebrate the month of January including Jackson Pollock Sensory Art, World Braille Day, Big Schools Birdwatch, Martin Luther King Day, National Handwriting Day, and more!

Dates At a Glance

4th Jan World Braille Day

6th Jan Epiphany

Epiphany Day or ‘Three Kings Day’, is a Christian holiday celebrating the day the Three Wise Men travelled to visit Jesus.

Smell: Frankincense and Myrrh (these can be purchased as essential oils, incense, and hand cream)

Touch & Look at: gold items: dress jewellery, gold foil, gold paper, gold material and fabric, mark make using gold paint.

Listen to: the sound coins make as they hit the bottom of the money box/tin when posted. Taste: Foods traditionally eaten at Epiphany include: clementines, dates and dried fruit. Taste gold chocolate coins.

Other Activities

Promote Literacy Skills

Traditionally, people bless their home by writing the letters C, M, and B, + the year, above the door to the house. The letters represent Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar. The + signifies the cross. The letters also represent the Latin words ‘Christus mansionem benedicat,’ which translates to ‘May Christ bless the house’

Practice mark-making, writing and recognising the numbers, letters and symbols 20 + C + M + B + 24 in chalk.

16th Jan – Martin Luther King Day

You will need:

A Container: Bowl, bucket or beaker (or for a less mess alternative, place your potion ingredients directly into a large clean, empty water bottle, fasten the lid, secure with tape to make a potion sensory bottle.)

Liquid: Water (still or carbonated), Glycerine, Food Colouring, Hair Conditioner, Vegetable Oil.

Infuse tea in water: Chamomile, Echinacea, Ginger, Green, Lemon Balm, Rose, Turmeric, Peppermint.

(Mix tea leaves to create a new blend)

Items to Stimulate Vision and Touch: Calcite, Feathers, Foam Shapes, Gems, Glass Pebbles, Glitter, Googly Eyes, Pom Poms, Polished Pebbles, Rhinestones, Seeds, Sequins, Shells, Tassels, Water Beads.

Items to Stimulate the Sense of Smell: Fresh or Dried Herbs: (Basil, Cinnamon Sticks, Cloves, Lavender, Lime Leaves, Lemon Grass, Mint, Oregano, Rosemary, Sage, Star Anise, Thyme, Turmeric), Edible Flowers, Orange/Lemon/Lime Peel, Rose Petals.

Essential Oils: Bergamot, Cedarwood, Eucalyptus, Frankincense, Grapefruit, Lavender, Lemon, Lemongrass, Lime, Orange, Patchouli, Peppermint, Rose, Rosemary, Tea Tree, Ylang-Ylang.

Items to Stimulate Hearing: Beads, Buttons, Coins, Pasta, Pulses, Rice.

Items to Promote Fine Motor Skills and Encourage Scientific Investigation & Exploration: Chopsticks, Food Tongs, Funnels, Plastic Safety Scissors,

Measuring Beakers/Cylinder/Jug, Plastic Safety/Easy Grip/Jumbo Tweezers, Magnifying Glass/Handheld Magnifier, Pestle & Mortar, Pipettes, Plastic Test Tubes, PVC Tubing, Spatula, Spoons, Water Droppers.

23rd Jan – National Handwriting Day

January Birthdays

4th Jan – Sir Isaac Newton

8th Jan – Elvis Presley

17th Jan – Benjamin Franklin

18th Jan – AA Milne

27th Jan – Lewis Carroll

28th Jan – Jackson Pollock

Create Jackson Pollock Artwork.

‘Jackson Pollock Sensory Art’ by the Students of Harbour House

I was delighted to receive these fabulous pictures from the talented students of Harbour House – a specialist SLD provision which is part of Gloucestershire College.

Look at the scale of this artwork!

Some students made smaller pieces of artwork using paint and a salad spinner which they glued onto their masterpiece, and they also made their own environmentally friendly scented paint!

January Arts, Crafts and Promoting Literacy Skills

STOP! Don’t throw away your Christmas Cards!!!

Receiving Christmas cards is one of the joys of the season. Before you pop them in the recycling bin, take a look at these low-budget educational, yet fun activities!

Next Year’s Gift Tags!

This activity promotes creative art & design, decision making and fine motor skills as students handle materials.

You will need:


  1. Select a Christmas card.
  2. Cut down the edge and use the front of the card.
  3. Encourage the student to look for different pictures to use for gift tags within the card.
  4. Using the scissors, carefully cut around your chosen picture.
  5. Punch a hole in the top corner.
  6. Thread string or ribbon through the hole.


This activity will develop fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, shape recognition, promote problem solving, patience and a feeling of achievement once the puzzle is completed.

You will need:


1. Select a Christmas Card. Cut down the edge and use the front of the card.

2. Cut the card into shapes

3. Experiment with different shapes, rectangles, squares, triangles etc.

Speech Bubbles

This activity engages the imagination, develops communication and language skills, encourages social interaction by means of a two-way conversation and helps students to build on storytelling skills.

You will need:


  1. Select a card.
  2. Draw a speech bubble on the card next to a character (Option to print out templates to stick on)
  3. Write the speech inside the speech bubble – it could be a question, command, comment, or a joke.
  4. Extend the learning by using a ‘thought bubble’ and discuss the difference between and ‘though bubble’ and a ‘speech bubble’

Story Cards

This activity is a fun way to engage imaginative thinking, promote communication & language skills and explore storytelling.

Take a look at this Christmas card.

Build a story around the card.

‘The people who live in this village are preparing for a Christmas party.’

‘The boy at the bottom of the card is singing Christmas Carols.’

‘The lady at the top of the picture has baked mince pies for the villagers.’

‘The people have decorated the tree ready for the big light switch-on later this evening.’

Word Play

This activity builds word recognition and comprehension skills.

Cut out the verse from a Christmas card.

Ask the student to read the verse out loud.

  1. Photocopy or write the verse onto the top of a piece of paper.
  2. Cut out the individual words then scramble them for the student to place into the correct order.
  3. Can the student use the words to compose their own sentences or phrases? e.g., ‘New Year Wishes’, ‘Best Christmas Greetings.’

Poetry Page

The rhythm and rhyme of Poetry helps individuals to learn new vocabulary and encourages speech and language

You will need:


  1. Carefully cut out the verses from the Christmas Cards.
  2. Glue the verses onto the card or paper.
  3. Read the poem aloud to the student.
  4. Identify and define any unfamiliar words.
  5. Can the student read the poem or any sentences aloud?
  6. Summarise and discuss the poem’s meaning.
  7. Can the student create their own verse?

The Sensory Card

I love the cause and effect of this flip-up sequined card!

The senses are stimulated as the shiny silver reversible sequins change into a colourful star as the fingers are brushed over the surface. It is also very tactile.

This beautiful card will be promptly popped into my sensory box!


For more January ideas…

Just Released!

‘January 2024 Teachers Almanac – A Comprehensive Guide to January Through the Senses’

This comprehensive teaching pack is aimed at providing opportunities for learners to explore the month of January 2024 through the senses.

It includes a fully resourced, step-by-step multisensory story, mini sensory stories, and sensory activity ideas to celebrate the month’s festivals and celebrations, awareness days, this day in history, January Facts, and more!

The perfect resource for SEN & Mainstream Teachers, Early Years Practitioners, HLTA’s, TA’s, SLA’s, Speech Therapists, Play Therapists, Support Workers, Activity Coordinators, Parents, Guardians, Childminders, Carers, Librarians and anyone with an interest in exploring storytelling through the senses.

Table of Contents

How to tell a Multisensory Story

Using Sound Effects in a Multisensory Story

‘January’ – A Fully Resourced, Step-by-Step, Multisensory Story

January Facts – Janus Art Activity

Quote of the Month

January Birthstone

January Nature

January on the Farm

The Sensory Garden

January Star Signs

‘Capricorn the Goat’ Multisensory Story

Aquarius The Water Bearer Activity

Scents of the Month

Tastes of the Month


New Year Lucky Foods

National Whipped Cream Month

National Bean Month

National Milk Day

Brew Monday

National Popcorn Day

National Cheese Lovers Day

National Chocolate Cake Day

National Croissant Day

National Hot Chocolate Day

The New Moon

Festivals and Celebrations


Orthodox Christmas Day

Distaff Day

The Straw Bear Festival


Wassailing Day Multisensory Story


St Agnes Eve Multisensory Story

Burns Night

Tu BiShvat

St Dwynwen’s Day

Awareness Days


World Self-care Day

World Introvert Day

World Braille Day

Big Schools Birdwatch

Thesaurus Day

World Snow Day

National Handwriting Day

Australia Day

International Holocaust Memorial Day

National Lego Day

Jan National Puzzle Day

This Day in History

The launch of rocket Luna

Birthdate of Sir Isaac Newton.

Birthdate of Welsh painter Augustus John.

German physicist Wilhelm Roentgen demonstrated his invention the x-ray.

The opening of a transatlantic telephone line between London and New York.

Galileo Galilei announces his discovery of four moons circling Jupiter.

The Introduction of the Penny Post.

Opening of the London Underground.

Birthdate of Charles Perrault author of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’

The London Co-operative society opens Britain’s first self-service supermarket in London.

Birthdate of Michael Bond creator of Paddington Bear.

Disney’s first full-length colour cartoon ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’ is released.

The Crowning of Queen Elizabeth I.

The Introduction of Decimal Currency in the UK.

Martin Luther King Day.

Birthdate of Benjamin Franklin.

Birthdate of AA Milne.

Birthdate of American astronaut and second man on the moon Edwin Buzz Aldrin.

Scientists discover the fossil of the oldest known land creature.

Birthdate of Lewis Carroll.

Dr Livingstone is found in Africa by Sir Henry Morton Stanley.

Birthdate of Jackson Pollock.

January Arts and Crafts

Recycling Christmas Cards & Promoting Literacy Skills