Here are some ideas to celebrate friendship:
1. Have an interactive discussion about what makes a good friend and have the students come up with examples. Encourage students to share their experiences of being a good friend and what it has meant to them.
2. Have the students create a friendship tree. Give them a large poster board, markers and glue and have them come up with a visual representation of what makes a good friend.
3. Have the students create a friendship list. Divide the class into two teams, and have each team come up with a list of qualities that make a good friend. Have the teams present their lists and discuss the qualities they have in common.
4. Read a book about friendship to the class. Afterwards, have a discussion about the characters in the book, and how they exemplified being a good friend.
5. Have the students write a letter of gratitude to a friend. Have them explain why they are thankful for this person, and how they have helped them become a better friend. Have the students exchange the letters with one another.