As always, we are delighted to share a blog post from Victoria from Rhyming Multisensory Stories. Here are her ideas for May!


National Walking Month

May 1st Hedgehog Awareness Week

animal animal world bristle close up
Photo by Pixabay on

Let’s Explore…Hedgehogs

A hedgehog’s main diet consists of beetles, along with caterpillars and earthworms. Head outdoors. Lift plant pots, stones and logs and see if you can find any of these insects. Use a magnifying glass to see more detail

Make a Hedgehog Sensory Box


May 1st National Sun Awareness Week

silhouette of plants during golden hour
Photo by Billel Moula on

Create a Sensory Sun

Class teacher Vicky Ormerod-Jordan explains how the Sparrow Class Hebden Green School in Winsford, Cheshire, celebrated the sun!

‘We danced with a yellow stretchy band which is the centre of our sun.

We added oranges and lemons,having smelt, touched and tasted them.

We explored sweetcorn, peeling off the leaves.

We smelt yellow marigolds and added them to the sun centre.

We bounced, tennis balls and rolled them down a ramp.

We enjoyed a song I wrote called ‘The Sun will Shine,’ where we shone a torch on various body parts.

The best part of the picture was making hand and footprints in yellow paint for the sun’s rays. Very messy!’

Discuss the importance of staying safe in the sun (link to skin cancer Awareness Month)

Make a sun safety box and place sun protection items inside for exploration

Can the students tell you what the items are used for how they protect you from the sun?

May 5th – African World Heritage Day

This a day to celebrate of the culture of the Continent of Africa.

Discuss the importance of Africa and its vulnerability due to climate change and poaching.

Explore animal ‘skins’

This presents an opportunity for students to explore and express their likes, dislikes and sensory preferences and can help in everyday life such as clothing.

Extend Learning

Animal Match Game

May 5th – Space Day

Space day is an unofficial holiday aimed at promoting STEM activities.

Create a Space Role Play Area

Role play is a crucial part of development providing opportunities to engage in imaginative play.

Moon Dust Recipe

You will need


Extend Learning

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‘Mars has red rocks and a bright red sky,

the volcanoes reach my rocket they are so high

This planet is cold, at night, minus 80 degrees

If I stay here much longer, I’m going to freeze!’

May 8th – World Migratory Bird Day

Bird Song Sound Bingo

Simplify the Activity

Although not all of these birds are not migratory, this activity will teach sound discrimination.

Make a Bird Nesting Material Feeder

You will need


  1. Ensure the nesting materials are broken/cut into small pieces/lengths as they are a potential choking hazard for birds.
  2. Mix the materials.
  3. Loosely push the nesting materials into the bird feeder (option to open the top to create a wider opening) Hand the feeder in a place safe from predators.

May 9th – Europe Day

city continent country destination
Photo by Pixabay on

A day to mark peace and unity throughout Europe.

Make a sensory flag of Europe

You will need


Alternative Activity

You will need

  1. . Cut 12 stars out from the material
  2. . Dim the lights
  3. . Shine the torch through the back of the flag to illuminate the stars.

May 12th – Florence Nightingale’s Birthday

Explore the contents of a first aid bag/box

This activity will raise awareness of the contents of a first aid box* and reduce the anxiety some student’s may have around first aid.

*I have included extra items that may not be in your box

Discuss how to raise the alarm in an emergency.

May 16th – Vesak Day/Buddha Day

anonymous person near burning candles at night
Photo by Fredrick Eankels on

Vesak is the celebration of the life and teachings of Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism.

Mark the Day the Sensory Way

Make a Vesak Day Flower Card

You will need


  1. . Cover one side of the card with double-sided sticky tape or a layer of PVA glue (if using PVA, leave until it is almost dry but tacky enough to stick flora and fauna on to)
  2. . Take the learning outdoors
  3. . Show the students the flowers and grasses that are safe to pick (dandelions and daisies)
  4. . If you have a herb garden in your school/setting pick foliage: lemon balm, mint, rosemary, thyme. (If you do not have access to herbs then pick grass and leaves)
  5. . Students pick the flowers/herbs/grasses then stick them onto their card as they find them

Hands Free Alternative

  1. . Cut a wide band of card and secure into a bracelet
  2. . Apply a thin layer of PVA glue or cover one side of the card with double-sided sticky tape
  3. . Place the band on the student’s wrist.

The student will have both hands free to explore, pick and place their items onto their band

National Smile Month

The aim is to make someone smile. This could be through a compliment, telling a joke or an act of kindness.

May 24th 1844

On this Day the First Morse Code Message was Sent

Morse embosser (morse code embossing machine)
Morse embosser (morse code embossing machine) by Unknown maker is licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0

Dots and Dashes Artwork

Create artwork using different tools and materials to make dots and dashes

Dots: Bingo dabbers, cotton wool bud, fingerprints, paint brushes, pipettes, pom poms, sponges, stickers, vegetable printing, paint bubble wrap

Dashes: Chopsticks, cinammon sticks, dried spaghetti, feather quill, pipe cleaners, rollers, roll balls/toy cars through paint, ribbon, rubber bands, straws, string

Other ideas:

May 28th – Whitsun

Whitsun is celebrated on the 50th day after Easter. It is a Christian celebration marking the coming of the Holy Spirit.

There are many traditional activities associated with Whitsun including fetes, fairs, pageants, parades, walks and Morris dancing.