A sensory bin/tray is a container filled with themed items that provide a calming activity and the opportunity to learn through exploration whilst engaging the senses and meeting sensory needs.

Providing this experience enables you to identify preferred items and sensations that can be used as motivators or calm an individual when stressed.

This sensory play will develop fine motor skills as the explorer manipulates the objects, problem solving skills through experimentation, creativity and imagination through exploration and the opportunity to build language and communication skills.

If working in a group this activity will aid social and emotional development and skills as learners engage in turn-taking, sharing, cooperation and listening to others’ ideas.

How to Make a Sensory Bin

Find a container

A large tray, cardboard box, bucket, large plastic storage box, plastic paddling pool

Add a Base Layer

Dried rice, pasta and pulses, dried oats, dried cereal, shredded paper, straw, Pom Poms, flour, cotton wool balls, coloured water, sand, moon dust, packing peanuts, feathers, buttons, shells, leaves, wood shavings, corks, bottle tops, edible herbs and flowers, potting compost, foam, ice, pine cones, slime, goop, cloud dough, wool, ribbon, confetti, sponges…the imagination is the limit!

Add Fine Motor Tools

Cups, spoons, forks, measuring jugs, colander, whisk, sieve, funnel, pipette, food tongs, wooden utensils, scoops, paintbrushes, chopsticks, moon dust (see recipe below)

Encourage Exploration

Add items to encourage scientific investigation.

Torch, magnifying glass, magnets, pen/paper, egg carton/ice cube/cake baking tray for sorting items, plastic tweezers and a mirror.

Supervise Play!

Moon Dust recipe

Add ½ cup Olive Oil to 2 cups of cornflower and rub together using the tips of your fingers and thumbs, adding extra cornflour if needed, to form a moon dust consistency. Add silvers of aluminium foil or a sprinkle of glitter for extra sparkle!

Chinese New Year Sensory Bin

Winter Themed Sensory Bin

The Three Little Pigs Sensory Bin

Other Ideas for Sensory Bins

Colour themed

Baking themed













Story Themed

Festivals & Holidays (Easter, Diwali, Christmas, St Patricks Day, Ramadan

Get in Touch!

Your questions, queries, feedback and comments are always welcome!

website: www.rhymingmultisensorystories.com

 email: rhymingmultisensorystories@outlook.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/storytellingthroughthesenses

Twitter: https://twitter.com/RhymingStories

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/rhymingmultisensorystories/rhyming-multisensory-stories/