Title: Celebrating International Migrants Day in the Primary School Classroom

Hello amazing educators,

Today, we commemorate International Migrants Day, a United Nations-led initiative celebrated annually on December 18th. This day recognises the efforts, contributions, and rights of migrants worldwide. As primary school teachers, we have an excellent opportunity to educate our young students about this important topic, fostering empathy, understanding, and global citizenship.

Here are five interactive and engaging activities you could implement in your classrooms:

1. **World Map Activity**: Use a world map to pinpoint where students or their families originally came from. This is a fun way to illustrate to the students how wonderfully diverse your classroom is!

2. **Interview a Migrant**: Invite a parent, community member, or even an older student who is a migrant to share their experiences. Prepare some questions in advance to guide the conversation and allow students to ask their own.

3. **Cultural Exchange Day**: Encourage students to bring in an object, picture, or dish representative of their cultural heritage. This is a great way to celebrate the unique cultures that make up your classroom community.

4. **Migrants’ Contributions Research**: Have students research and present about famous migrants who have made significant contributions to society. This could range from scientists to artists or sports stars.

5. **Letter Writing**: Encourage students to write letters of appreciation to migrants in your community. This could be family members, school staff, or local community members.

A great book to read on this day is “The Arrival” by Shaun Tan. This beautiful and wordless graphic novel tells a universal story of immigration, allowing students to interpret and discuss the story in their own words.

As for a song, consider playing “This Land is Your Land” by Woody Guthrie. Originally written as a response to the lack of inclusivity in America, this song promotes unity and the idea that everyone belongs.

In conclusion, International Migrants Day provides a fantastic opportunity for our students to learn about the diverse world we live in. By incorporating these activities into your lesson plans, you are not only educating them about global realities but also promoting empathy and appreciation for cultural diversity.

Remember, every little step we take to educate our students about global issues contributes to creating a more understanding, tolerant and inclusive future generation.

Happy teaching and happy International Migrants Day!


[Your Name]