Title: Celebrating JRR Tolkien Day in the Classroom
Greetings, fellow educators!
Today, January 3rd, we celebrate JRR Tolkien Day, a day dedicated to appreciating the enchanting world created by the master of fantasy literature himself, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. Best known for his epic works “The Hobbit” and “The Lord of the Rings,” Tolkien’s stories have inspired countless readers and continue to captivate children and adults alike.
On this special day, let’s explore how we can bring the magic of Tolkien’s world into our classrooms with these five engaging teaching ideas:
1. **Storytelling Time**: Read passages from “The Hobbit,” a perfect choice for primary school students. Its intriguing plot and rich language are sure to spark their imagination.
2. **Create Your Own Fantasy World**: Encourage students to create their own fantasy world, inspired by Middle Earth. They can draw maps, develop characters, and write short stories set in their unique worlds.
3. **Vocabulary Treasure Hunt**: Tolkien’s work is known for its rich and complex language. Pick out challenging words from the text and have a vocabulary treasure hunt.
4. **Middle Earth Art Project**: Have students create art projects based on their favorite scenes or characters from the book. This could include drawings, paintings, or even 3D models.
5. **Classroom Debate**: Initiate a classroom debate on a simple theme from the book, such as “Is it always important to go on adventures?” This will help students develop critical thinking skills.
Book Recommendation: For the younger ones, “Bilbo’s Last Song,” is a great choice. This beautifully illustrated book serves as a perfect introduction to Tolkien’s world.
Song Recommendation: “Misty Mountains” from The Hobbit movie soundtrack is a captivating song that can be used to introduce students to the atmospheric and epic music often associated with fantasy worlds.
In conclusion, JRR Tolkien Day offers a unique opportunity to introduce students to the wonders of fantasy literature. By engaging their creativity, enhancing their vocabulary, and encouraging critical thinking, we can use this day to inspire a love for reading and learning. So, let’s grab our imaginary swords and set off on an exciting journey to Middle Earth. There’s no telling what educational treasures we’ll find!
Happy JRR Tolkien Day!