The month of February is always associated with love. The 14th February is Valentine’s Day, and although it is considered strictly-speaking a Christian festival, almost all children and teachers celebrate the day with or without reference to the saint behind it.

Of course, if you want to cover the history of St. Valentine’s Day, this video is a good place to start if you are looking for an explanation of who the man behind the day is according to Christian Tradition.

However, most teachers want to get to the ❤️ 💕 💝 so let’s give you some ideas!


How about an Art Lesson Plan for 5th and 6th Class on theme of love/Valentine’s Day in construction?


Here is a beautifully designed Valentine’s Day Bingo game, well worth checking out!


Want your pupils to make a lovely Valentine’s Day gift for someone at home? Bath Bombs are easy to make and great fun!


These are labels you can print and give out on Valentine’s Day.


We may not be in lockdown anymore but Digital Stickers are great to have when marking work on SeeSaw or Google Classroom.

Mash sellers have over 100 St. Valentine’s Day resources so it’s well worth having a browse to see if you can find something you like.